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Andrew Bullock, Head of Touring Exhibitions- National Museums Liverpool

Job title: Exhibition Officer

Organisation: National Museums Liverpool

Category: ordinary

Website http://www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk


Email member


I am a storyteller, marketeer, project manager and exhibition producer. I have over ten years of experience in marketing for galleries, museums, housing associations and universities. I joined NML in 2016 and quickly got to know the business, initially devising and delivering marketing campaigns for the Lady Lever Art Gallery, the International Slavey Museum and the Museum of Liverpool, including promoting individual exhibitions such as DOUBLE FANTASY: John & Yoko. In 2019 I joined the Exhibitions Team and have since project manged the installation of An English Lady’s Wardrobe at the Walker Art Gallery, negotiated and facilitated the sale of DOUBLE FANTASY: John and Yoko to the Sony Music Roppongi Museum in Tokyo and instigated a collaboration with the artist Wolfgang Buttress on the future traveling show BEES: A story of Survival, which I am promoting. I am currently managing a show of Victorian Art to travel to China in 2022/3 and I have developed an ambitious strategy for future NML touring shows. Outside of NML, I am active Board Member for Homotopia, Britain’s longest running Queer arts festival and was one of the founding directors of Liverpool Queer Collective, which I ran in collaboration with two other directors from 2018 to 2021. Through the Queer Collective I devised and ran a conversational storytelling event for local Queer people called Telling Tales, which I hope to continue going forward.